
Assist With Impact

A podcast for assistants and administrative professionals. If you're ready to be more impactful and show up as a Linchpin Assistant then this is a must-listen podcast. Join your host Liz Van Vliet and learn practical tips, strategies and insights that will help you move beyond being simply an order-taker.
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Assist With Impact









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Now displaying: 2020
Dec 22, 2020

A solo episode from Liz to wish all of my lovely listeners a safe, healthy and happy holiday season. 

In this episode I share my own experience of Christmas in hospital attached to a drip being cared for during Breast Cancer treatment and finding myself in Intensive Care coming close to death. 

I talk about the lessons I learnt about what's worth caring about and what can be kicked to the curb. I talk about gratitude and perspective and why for me these are not just empty words.

It's been a tough year and I want you to know how much you mean to me lovely listeners. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Dec 10, 2020

Welcome to a 'road rambling' episode where I share what's been going on in my house in the last few weeks and why I've been MIA to a certain extent as a result.

If there's a takeaway from this episode it's that we need to be as kind to ourselves as we are to others. Life is messy and as I like to say, we are human beings not human doings and the realities of 'being a human' have been what I've experienced in the last few weeks.

Onwards and upwards. Bring on 2021!

Nov 24, 2020

Part 2 of my interview with Emma Rhoades from Her Corporate Journey. In this episode Emma shares her 5 tips for managing your manager and how she has learnt from experience the value of each of these tips.

This episode reinforces why I believe the five elements of my Knowing Assistant Framework are vital to helping you develop as an assistant. This episode particularly reinforces the value of Knowing Your Manager and Knowing Your Power Skills (Managing Up being one of them!)

You can learn more about Emma and Her Corporate Journey at

Nov 17, 2020

 The Being Indispensable podcast is about inspiring and educating you as assistants and OPs and Emma Rhoades is someone I have enormous respect for in terms of her knowledge and expertise in the area of management skills and self leadership.


Emma walks the talk and in Part 1 of our conversation she shares her own experience navigating the career spider frame and how she has arrived at the point of founding Her Corporate Journey.

In the first of two episodes we also discuss:

  • The value of noticing and observing the patterns and themes that are present in your work history 
  • How curiosity and courage drive Emma and how important self-reflection on her values and value have been to her
  • We talk about what drives her and the change she wants to make in the corporate experience of women
  • You will hear how Emma has made conscious decisions in the way she has sought to show up as a manager and how she wants to empower and support others to do so
  • Emma shares her thoughts on the idea of leading from where you are
  • Finally we talk about the value that can be gained from getting clear on your value proposition and your goals.

You can learn more about Emma and Her Corporate Journey at

Nov 11, 2020

In this episode Liz explains what Attention Management is and how it differs from Time Management and some tools and techniques for being proactive about managing your attention.

There is a school of thought that Time Management is an outdated concept.

Instead it’s about Attention Management - switching your attention to focusing on achieving a specific result.

Maura Thomas defines it as 

...the ability to consciously direct your attention in any given moment, to be more proactive than reactive, and to maintain control rather than inadvertently relinquish it. It’s about regaining control over your attention and thereby taking control of your life. Attention management empowers your productivity.”

Links to resources discussed:

Maura Thomas - Ted Talk


Nov 3, 2020

Decision making and critical thinking fall under the umbrella of problem solving and that is right in the wheel-house of a Linchpin Assistant who is effective and efficient because they possess Power Skills like these.

Listen to this episode to hear how I define decision making and critical thinking, why these two Power Skills are in my top ten and a framework you can use to problem solve in your job and in your life.

This episode is also helpful listening if you want to notice and observe how your manager makes decisions and how you might support them in this process.

Find the free download that I mention in the episode here

Oct 27, 2020

In Part 2 of my conversation with Jo Miller we talk about the FIVE leadership types that Jo has identified and the traits of each. Jo does some myth busting around the perception that you need to be a manager of people to be a leader.

We focus on HOW you can amplify your accomplishments and Jo takes me through the ways she recommends you can put this into action. 

Finally we discuss the trap that you fall into when you make yourself indispensable for doing work that downplays your potential.

Oct 20, 2020

This week’s episode is Part 1 of my interview with the awesome Jo Miller who I have mentioned on the podcast a number of times and dedicated Episode 66 to sharing her method for creating a Shadow Organisation Diagram.

If you haven't listened to it you can find it here.

In Part 1 we explore: 

- Jo’s experience navigating her own career climbing frame (the topic of last weeks episode)

- We explore why and how you can tap into your leadership super power.

- Jo explains the five leadership types that she outlines in her book and takes us through an exercise you can do to identify your leadership strengths. 

- Jo also talks about the one thing she recommends that we all do and what gets in the way of us actually doing that one thing.

I hope you enjoy Part 1 of our conversation and can’t wait to bring you Part 2 next week.

Oct 13, 2020

This weeks episode is intended to give you an overview of the Assistant Competency Model created by Liz as well as the Ten Power Skills that propel assistants into the top quadrant as a Linchpin Assistant.

These ideas are the result of the years Liz has spent speaking to, training and coaching assistants as well as researching and interviewing hundreds of business leaders to understand the key competencies that Linchpin Assistants demonstrate.

Download your free handout with links to the episodes mentioned so that you can deep dive into the Ten Power Skills that will power you to show up as Linchpin Assistant.

Oct 7, 2020

A solo episode discussing why it's so vital that regardless of how much you love you job you must always prioritise your love for yourself above it. 

That can be tricky when you're anxious and stressed about your job security but helping you see that you have options is what I'm all about.

Self care anytime is important because we are human beings NOT human doings but in 2020 it's gone beyond burnout for most of us and we are now just soldiering on despite our mental fatigue and sense of overwhelm. 

There is no magic bullet but what we can do is introduce small changes that will help you fire up your own inner flame. 

Article mentioned in the show can be found here:

Sep 29, 2020

A solo episode ruminating on my own experience thinking of my career as a ladder and struggling at times to feel that I had options and that there were benefits to gain from making a lateral, diagonal or even a backwards move.

These days I prefer to think of my career as climbing a spider frame that you'd find in a playground. Up, down, lateral and diagonal moves are all not just possible but encouraged. 

Embracing the mindset that every move affords you opportunities to learn and grow and that there is a view to be had from each spot on that frame....not just the top!

Check out the for more information on the training, coaching and speaking that Liz delivers.

Sep 21, 2020

Padraig O'Sullivan or Pod as he is known was the business leader I supported in my role as an Executive Assistant. He was a mentor and informal coach to me and I consider myself fortunate to have come into his orbit. 

Pod’s reputation as a leading leadership advisor and Top Teaming expert has been established with over 20 years leadership and coaching experience encompassing Australia, Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East. He has been labeled “one of Asia’s top leadership experts” and is author of the award-winning series of International books “Foreigner In Charge: Success strategies for expat leaders”.

In this episode (Part 2 of the interview) we discuss…

  1. How he sees the strategic value of the EA in enabling the leader to operate at a higher level
  2. The importance of leading from where you are and the concept of self-leadership
  3. 2 reasons he sees that EAs are ineffective
  4. Why he believes it is an extraordinarily important role
  5. Why radical candour with your boss is something that EAs should strive for.

Connect with Pod on LinkedIn


Podcast is “The Leadership Diet” find it in your favourite podcast app

Sep 15, 2020

Padraig O'Sullivan or Pod as he is known was the business leader I supported in my role as an Executive Assistant. He was a mentor and informal coach to me and I consider myself fortunate to have come into his orbit. 

Pod’s reputation as a leading leadership advisor and Top Teaming expert has been established with over 20 years leadership and coaching experience encompassing Australia, Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East. He has been labeled “one of Asia’s top leadership experts” and is author of the award-winning series of International books “Foreigner In Charge: Success strategies for expat leaders”.

What you’ll learn in Part 1 of my interview with Pod includes:

  1. What makes a leader more impactful
  2. The importance of learning from each step on your career climbing frame
  3. The importance of finding the commonalities and connecting the dots so you can be clear about your strengths and when you’re really in flow
  4. How he helps leaders be better leaders
  5. How he feels about leaders who have chosen not to have an EA
  6. How he engages the leaders’ EAs in the 360 process and why
  7. The one thing he believes gets in the way of an effective EA/leader relationship
  8. How curiosity is key



Podcast is “The Leadership Diet” find it in your favorite podcast app

Sep 8, 2020

Robin Sharma is the author of The Leader Who Had No Title and in this episode I share his recommendations on how to lead from where you are and four things you can do NOW to build your leadership skills and the perception of you as a leader.

Watch the video of Robin discussing these concepts here:

To find out more about Robin Sharma and this book head to his website

Learn more about My EA Career at

Sep 2, 2020

Catching listeners up on the content of a free webinar I delivered today sharing the ONE thing I believe we truly need in order to be indispensable.

Unfortunately the recording of the webinar is only available to those who registered prior to the event. But the video and slide deck will be available to members of the Empowered Assistant Collective. 

The doors to founding members are now open. If you'd like to see what it's all about and consider if it's right for you, head over to


Aug 24, 2020

A common problem for EAs (and in fact common to most of us) is struggling to communicate effectively in crunch moments.

When it comes to tackling a tricky situation that requires you to speak up, how many times do you find yourself

-Avoiding the issue hoping it will go away?

-Having the difficult conversation and then it getting out of hand?

Episodes where I’ve discussed tackling uncomfortable conversations include:

#55 How To Approach Difficult Conversations - Steps for Executive Assistants

#18 Why Executive Assistants Need To Get Comfortable With Uncomfortable Conversations

#85 POWER Skills for Indispensable Assistants: Communication Skills

In this episode I share two strategies you can use to PLAN your approach to tricky conversations.

I’ve created a download that you can access by going to


You can find more information on the SBI framework here:

You can read more about Petrea King's approach here:

To register for my free webinar "The ONE Thing You Need To Be Indispensable" go to


Aug 18, 2020

I came up with the concept of My Value Star™ when I was post breast cancer, struggling with a lack of confidence and self belief.

In Chapter 11 of my book “Coming Home from Breastcancerville" I talk about my 'career wilderness years' after having children and how I lost touch with what made me invaluable as an employee.

Somehow it took hitting rock bottom due to breast cancer treatment and recovery for me to look at myself differently. Despite feeling lost and unsure of anything I doodled this five-pointed star and identified five qualities that spoke to my value.

That five-pointed star was the first step in me reinventing myself and rebuilding my confidence and self belief.

In this episode I share how My Value Star came about, why I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on your own virtues and I have created a free workbook to help step you through this process.

You can find the free workbook here:

In this episode I also mention a free webinar I am running on Wednesday 2nd September at midday (AEST). To register go here:

Aug 3, 2020

Is your self-worth as an Executive Assistant driven by activity or output? 

An output is something you do. An outcome is something that happens as a consequence of something that you do.

This episode came about because so many EAs I have been training and coaching are struggling with the feeling that because they're not 'seen' working remotely they are not feeling as sure about the value they're delivering.

EAs may not generate outcomes as a general rule but their output does. Getting clear on the connection between outputs and the outcome they're tied to is a valuable way of building confidence and self-worth but also articulating your value to your manager.

Get the download for the episode at

Secure your invitation to join the Empowered Assistant Collective when the doors open in early September by registering at



Jul 27, 2020

In this interview with Mike Van Vliet we discussed the important terminology that EAs need to understand and the various sources of information that provide insight into how projects are travelling.

We also discussed the different project management methodologies that EAs may come across and how they differ. 

Finally we talked through ways that EAs can support their manager and influence the project management process. 


Jul 22, 2020

In this week's episode Liz shares a couple of bits of news and also an article that might resonate with you exploring the topic of burnout. 

You can find the blog post by Bonnie Low-Kramen here or cut and paste the URL:

Join the list to hear when the Empowered Assistant Collective doors will open at:

You can listen to my fun episode featuring my daughter Kate here:




Jul 13, 2020

A solo episode ruminating on a blog post that I wrote about EAs adopting what I call a Slinky Mindset.

Read the blog post here

I've written another post about the way Slinky's can also get tangled up. For Executive Assistants it happens when they're trying to manage unrealistic expectations!

Read the blog post here 

Jul 6, 2020

In this episode Liz is sharing the projects she's working on including a new membership for EAs called The Empowered Assistant Academy.

Register your details so you can be the first to know when the doors open.

Find out more about the coaching, training and speaking we offer at My EA Career. 

Jun 23, 2020

Mentoring is one of the most valuable things you can undertake. In this episode Liz shares her advice for finding a mentor and the key elements that need to exist for it to be a worthwhile experience for both mentor and mentee.

Jun 15, 2020

I prescribe to the view that respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned. Thinking that you "deserve" respect is a path to unhappiness and frustration. Instead, I recommend taking a proactive approach to earning respect that is based on the elements of my Knowing Assistant Framework:

- Knowing yourself

- Knowing your Power Skills

- Knowing your job

- Knowing your boss

- Knowing your organisation

You can read more about the Knowing Assistant Framework on my website

In this episode I share 3 strategies for building respect that I've read about in a brilliant book by Peggy Vasquez "Not Just An Admin". I can highly recommend picking up a copy of this excellent personal development resource.

I also mention Lois P. Frankel's book "Nice Girls Still Don't Get The Corner Office".

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