For many of us the Covid-19 pandemic will mean the first time we're working from home. Presenting your best self online in whatever virtual setting you find yourself is important to managing the perception of your boss and co workers as well as other key stakeholders.
This weeks episode is an interview with Kaye Ure from Styling Individuals. We cover Kaye's tops for setting up a physical environment to ensure you look professional on screen and she also shares tips for how to adjust your clothing and makeup for a virtual context.
Kaye has an offer at the moment for individuals that want to work with her 1:1 to set themselves up for success. Contact her at for more information.
Connect with Kaye on Instagram as well to see how she works with clients and ensures they look great and feel confident.
In these times of volatility and uncertainty it can feel like we can't control anything. In this short episode I just wanted to encourage you that your mindset matters SO much right now. We can't control what is happening but we can control how we react to it.
Remember, you are the boss of your own mind and looking after your own mental and physical health is something you can and should do.
Sending you love and support during these trying times.