This week’s episode is my five starter tips for approaching the topic of Managing Up.
Managing Up can also be described as managing by influence. It’s a topic that goes right to the heart of what it means to be effective as an Exec Assistant and it’s one of the biggest challenges that assistants grapple with when they’re building a relationship with their manager.
It begins with coming at your manager with a sense of curiosity. I love the quote
“Seek first to understand”, it’s the heading of Chapter Five in Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People”
The better you understand your manager, the easier your life will be, and the more successful you will be
Tip #1 - Understand their priorities
Tip #2 - Keep these priorities front of mind and link back to them when you’re communicating with them
Tip #3 - Be genuinely committed to helping your boss be the best version of themselves
Tip #4 - Take things away from them that make sense
Tip #5 - Pick your moment
#48 ‘How to interview your boss to clarify expectations and perceptions’
Read my LinkedIn article on asking better questions
If you are Sydney based I’d love to see you at the AIOP event celebrating Office Professionals Day on May 4th.
If you are listening from elsewhere in the world I’m also speaking on the topic of Managing Up as part of the Practically Perfect PA Virtual Summit 2018. Information available here.
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You’re also a great ambassador for AIOP. Thank you!