Episode 37 is the final episode in my miniseries devoted to helping you get your C-suite leader on the social media bandwagon. In this episode I discuss the elephant in the room - the fact that becoming your executives social media manager involves taking on additional workload which no doubt is the last thing you need as an Executive Assistant.
This fact hasn't escaped me and I'm loathe to be the cause of my listeners having something else to stress about. That being said, helping your executive get more engaged on LinkedIn is something that makes sense for a number of reasons (as I've discussed in Episode #34). In this final episode I attempt to help you get a handle on the benefits for you personally...because much as I love to help you position yourself as proactive and strategic (and of course be seen as an essential element in your bosses life), the reality is that there's got to be some sort of WIFM factor for you.
Hope you enjoy this final episode. Next week I promise not to even utter the words "LinkedIn" or "Social".
Please visit www.beingindispensable.com/episodes to find the link to the spreadsheet template discussed in the episode.
Email your feedback to liz@beingindispensable.com or connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn of course.